EAN-kode: 8027294006916 Artikkelnr.: 691111

For å kutte store keramiske fliser og naturstein, er "Ghefli Revolution" en nøyaktig, stabil og ekstremt kraftig sag. Sagen har et blad som kan justeres i høyde og har en jollefunksjon. kraftig motor Skjaerer tykkelser og lengder i stor størrelse.

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Brosagmaskin, ideell for våte kutt på murstein, naturstein, granittplater og fliser.

Utstyrt med en 3,4HK (2,5KW) motor, med reimoverføring. Støtter Ø 400 mm blader. Den kan skjære opp til 150 mm dyp i et enkelt løp, 200 mm med dobbelt løp.

Tilgjengelig i to standardmodeller med forskjellige maksimale kappelengder:

REVOLUTION 100 – Kapper opptil 100 cm lang
REVOLUTION 130 – Kapper opptil 130 cm lang

Som for alle "New Generation"-serien Ghelfi-maskiner, er hovedstrukturen laget av aluminium: den er derfor ekstremt motstandsdyktig mot enhver forvrengning, noe som resulterer i utmerket kuttepresisjon over tid. Aluminium betyr også total rustfasthet og svært lang forventet levetid.

Alle Ghelfi skjæremaskiner produseres og monteres i produksjonsanlegget vårt i Bologna, det samme stedet hvor vi i mer enn over 40 år fortsetter å opparbeide oss en utviklende erfaring innen forskning, design, implementering og assistanse på maskiner og tilbehør som trengs hver dag ved flis. , gulv- og murerfagfolk.

Vi betjener de mest krevende fagfolk, eller kunder med uvanlige krav, ved å bygge spesialtilpassede maskiner på forespørsel, eller varianter av våre standardmaskiner, basert på deres spesifikke krav.

Why is REVOLUTION the best choice?

ALUMINIUM CHASSIS Machine’s chassis is made of extruded aluminum profiles, featuring superior robustness when compared to old generation iron-based machines. Aluminum is also unattackable by rust, and very lightweight. Perhaps most importantly, aluminum profiles are virtually undeformable even when the machine is placed on uneven surfaces, all this yelding much better cut precision over the entire product lifetime.
WORK SURFACE The work surface is made of stainless steel – also unattackable by rust like the main chassis – minimising friction with cut material during positioning. It is split in two halves, easy to lift to facilitare underlying water tank cleansing. Worktable overall width is 57cm, easily supporting large slabs.
SLIDING BRIDGE AND MOVING PARTS The bridge supporting cutting head’s horizontal sliding is made of an integral 80x80mm extruded aluminum profile. Cutting head’s movement is granted by 6 armored stainless steal ball bearings, running on 3 rails – two above the bridge, one underneath – also made of 100% stainless steel. Opposite to what happens on machines from our competition adopting nylon wheels regularly wearing out over time and usage, our bearings offer superior wear resistance, and virtually eliminate periodical maintenance / calibration requirements.
CABLE CHAIN Electrical cables and water pipe feeding the cutting unit are protected by a robust yet very flexible plastic chain, assembled as to always keep above the sliding bridge thus offering protection from potentially severe damages originatind during cut or transport. The chain features single-serviceable links.
BELT TRANSMISSION Based on a top-quality POLY-V belt, the transmission system increases the available torque resulting in superior cut power. The engine’s bulk is also displaced from the cutting point, thus automatically granting higher cut depth.
WATER TANK The water tank is made of Polyethylene, a very strong plastic material featuring resistance to low and high temperatures, and non-deformable. It is unattackable by rust, and does not leak. Equipped with a handy screw-cap, virtually impossible to accidentally be removed, it is easy to clean.
MITRE (45°) CUT Horizontal sliding bridge and cutting head can easily be reclined to execute 45° (“mitre”) cuts. A plug-in extension applicable to base squares is supplied to extend them either side to better support mitreing on larger slabs. For the most demanding cases optional side tables and counter-square bars are also available.
HEAD TILTING SYSTEM Cutting unit’s built-in vertical tilting system enables the operator to execute rectangular holes or special cuts, or calibrate cut thickness to the desired value in total safety and ease.
MECHANICAL PROTECTIONS Front and bilateral blade protections reduce water dispersion, water splash, and moreover contribute protecting the operator from accidental blade or debris contact. Electrical cables and water pipe feeding the cutting unit are protected by a robust yet very flexible plastic chain.
ELECTRICAL SUBSYSTEM The machine’s electrical subsystem includes a magneto-thermal safety device protecting the engine for overheats/overloads, and even more importantly a release coil preventing accidental switch-ons following unexpected power supply breaks.
WATER PUMP Based on magneto-inductive technology, it won’t fail/burn even in case of hard jamming. Extremely reliable, no filters to clean, maintenance free.
LEGS Rear legs are provided with wheels to ease local machine movements. To facilitate machine handling and transportation all legs are retractable to reduce overall system size, and feature a special fall-protection system greatly easing operations even to a lone user.

(Blad følger ikke med)

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